Saturday, January 13, 2007

More First Words from the 110th

More from our series on the first words spoken from the floor of the House and Senate by the members of Pennsylvania's new federal delegation. Today, Chris Carney and Jason Altimire finish out the House and we have, momentus as they are, finally heard the first words uttered on the floor of the Senate by Bobby Casey, Jr.:

Chris Carney, PA-10, January 10, in support of the Minimum Wage Act:
Mr. CARNEY. I would like to thank my colleague from California for the time.

Mr. Speaker, today the House will vote for bipartisan legislation aimed at increasing the minimum wage and making an important change for the families of nearly 13 million American workers.

It is unconscionable, Mr. Speaker, that the minimum wage has remained unchanged for nearly 10 years. During the past decade, consumer costs have skyrocketed. Energy, health care and education costs have all risen, while my constituents have seen their real incomes drop.

It is wrong that millions of Americans work full time and year around and still live in poverty. I am voting to give them a raise, a raise that is long overdue.

This bill will increase the minimum wage by $2.10 an hour over 2 years. This will mean an additional $4,400 for a family of three equaling 15 months' worth of groceries or 2 years' worth of health care. Helping them to keep up with the rising costs of these necessities is something that we have the moral obligation to do.

As the father of five, I understand, I keenly understand the impact of rising costs on a tight family budget.

Raising the minimum wage is the first step to a stronger economy for all Americans, not just for the privileged few. Our action today will make a real difference in the lives of America's working families and I am proud to vote for it, and I respectfully urge my colleagues to stand with our working families, as well.

Jason Altimire, PA-4, January 11, in support of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act:

Mr. ALTMIRE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this bill. Having worked for a large academic medical center, I have seen the promise that embryonic stem cell research holds for Americans suffering from chronic disabilities such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and spinal cord injuries.

We all know people with these disabilities and a vote for this bill is a vote for them. This bill says specifically that it only applies to embryos that would otherwise be discarded by the fertility clinics. So a vote for this bill is a pro-life vote. We must pass this bill for the millions of Americans that suffer from debilitating medical conditions today and the millions more that will tomorrow.

This is something that is deeply personal to me. I am a pro-life Democrat. The reason I am supporting this bill is because this is a pro-life vote. There is nothing more important that we can do in this Congress than to support life. This is a pro-life vote. I urge my colleagues to pass this bill.

That completes the House -- all of the new House members from Pennsylvania have delivered their maiden speeches, on matters of particular interest to them. Previously, we had Pat Murphy on PAYGO and Joe Sestak introducing himself to the permanent written record of the United States Congress with his speech on the adoption of the 9/11 Commission recommendations.

Now, gentle reader, brace yourself, for we take you to the floor of the Senior Chamber, the United States Senate, where the gathered 100 are hushed to hear new Senator Bob Casey utter his first words on the floor of that august hall:

Bob Casey, January 11, 2007:
Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded.

The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Casey). Without objection, it is so ordered.
Just gives you the chills, don't it?

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