Burning, if there's a just god.
“Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them”
“I had a student ask me, "Could the savior you believe in save Osama bin Laden?" Of course, we know the blood of Jesus Christ can save him, and then he must be executed”
“Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions”
“AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals”
“Billy Graham is the chief servant of Satan in America”
“The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country”
“If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being”
“Textbooks are Soviet propaganda”
“The ACLU is to Christians what the American Nazi party is to Jews”
“It appears that America's anti-Biblical feminist movement is at last dying, thank God, and is possibly being replaced by a Christ-centered men's movement which may become the foundation for a desperately needed national spiritual awakening”
More, if you can stomach it . . .
“Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them”
“I had a student ask me, "Could the savior you believe in save Osama bin Laden?" Of course, we know the blood of Jesus Christ can save him, and then he must be executed”
“Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions”
“AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals”
“Billy Graham is the chief servant of Satan in America”
“The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country”
“If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being”
“Textbooks are Soviet propaganda”
“The ACLU is to Christians what the American Nazi party is to Jews”
“It appears that America's anti-Biblical feminist movement is at last dying, thank God, and is possibly being replaced by a Christ-centered men's movement which may become the foundation for a desperately needed national spiritual awakening”
More, if you can stomach it . . .
“The whole (global warming) thing is created to destroy America's free enterprise system and our economic stability”
“Homosexuality is Satan's diabolical attack upon the family that will not only have a corrupting influence upon our next generation, but it will also bring down the wrath of God upon America.”
“I do not believe we can blame genetics for adultery, homosexuality, dishonesty and other character flaws”
“[Homosexuals are] brute beasts...part of a vile and satanic system [that] will be utterly annihilated, and there will be a celebration in heaven.”
"I believe that global warming is a myth. And so, therefore, I have no conscience problems at all and I'm going to buy a Suburban next time."
“I listen to feminists and all these radical gals - most of them are failures. They’ve blown it. Some of them have been married, but they married some Casper Milquetoast who asked permission to go to the bathroom. These women just need a man in the house. That’s all they need. Most of the feminists need a man to tell them what time of day it is and to lead them home. And they blew it and they’re mad at all men. Feminists hate men. They’re sexist. They hate men - that’s their problem.”
(h\t ThinkExist)
Good riddance to that piece of trash.
Hell must smell of pork if that ignorant pig is burning down there.
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