Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Kucinich: Impeach the Dick

According to an announcement on his Congressional web site, Ohio Congressman and Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich is holding a press conference today to announce his intention to introduce articles of impeachment against Vice-President Dick Cheney.

{UPDATE: Kucinich has cancelled today's news conference and delayed his introduction of articles of impeachment against the Veep due to Cheney's apparent sudden "medical crisis".}

{UPDATE II: It is back on . . . . Congressman Kucinich held his Impeach the Dick press conference during the 5:00 hour this evening.}

Seems an odd move. (I understand those of you who responded "which one?") Accordingly to the Associated Press, the Big Dick merely went in to have that blood clot checked on. The Veep's office said that the doctors told Cheney that the clot had shrunk and sent him back to work at the White House . . . . .

Steny Hoyer wasn't impressed . . . .


Anonymous said...

The clot's dissolving... kick 'im out.

Bernie O'Hare said...

ABFS, This small post drew 163 clicks from LeftyBlogs today. It;s the highest I've ever seen in a Pa. based blog. Great work!

Bernie O'Hare said...

Looks like you came in #2 in the whole damn country.

A Big Fat Slob said...

Wow, pretty amazing and unexplainable. (I wonder why site meter didn't pick up all those clicks -- they had my clicks down yesterday). Anyway, I hope they were entertained.

Anonymous said...

Most follow up comments were
removed. Shows who's in control of
the internet, the legislative branch, the executive Branch too!

I guess he's just giving America the finger!

The man deserves punishment!

A Big Fat Slob said...

No comments were removed.