Simple question, simple answer.
CNN / Opinion Research CorporationTime for the President to Lay off the footwork and throw a punch!
8/28-31/09; 1,010 adults, 3% margin of error
Mode: Live telephone interviews
(CNN release)
Now thinking specifically about the health insurance plans available to most Americans, would you favor or oppose creating a public health insurance option administered by the federal government that would compete with plans offered by private health insurance companies?
55% Favor
41% Oppose
Sometimes I wonder if President Obama and our Democratic leaders even look at these polls and surveys. What the People want and what we NEED is obvious. Yet here we are, watching in dismay once again as the Dems collapse into a puddle of spineless mush in the face of Republican scaremongering and bald-faced lies. What in hell is WRONG with them?
I want to hope we'll actually see a health care reform bill passed that actually does provide comprehensive, quality, affordable health care to all Americans, but you know? Anymore, I just don't hold my breath.
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