- Improve coverage for 420,000 residents with health insurance.
- Give tax credits and other assistance to up to 190,000 families and 14,000 small businesses to help them afford coverage.
- Improve Medicare for 133,000 beneficiaries, including closing the donut hole.
- Extend coverage to 27,000 uninsured residents.
- Guarantee that 8,200 residents with pre-existing conditions can obtain coverage.
- Protect 900 families from bankruptcy due to unaffordable health care costs.
- Allow 52,000 young adults to obtain coverage on their parents’ insurance plans.
- Provide millions of dollars in new funding for 7 community health centers.
- Reduce the cost of uncompensated care for hospitals and other health care providers by $42 million annually.
But Kanjorski is joining the Republicans to say NO to the 190,000 families in his District who would finally be able to secure health insurance for their families. To protect a few hundred jobs.
There are 8,200 uninsured individuals in Kanjorski's district who have pre-existing medical conditions like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes and can't get health insurance. That would end under the act, but Kanjorski thinks protecting a few hundred Sallie Mae jobs are more important than those eight thousand unfortunate citizens in his District who had the bad judgment to become ill.
In a single year, 900 families file bankruptcy in Kanjorski's District due to health care costs. That tragedy would be all but eliminated -- if not for Kanjorski's determination to protect a few hundred Sallie Mae jobs.
There are 133,000 Medicare beneficiaries in his district. The legislation improves their benefits by providing free preventive and wellness care, improving primary and coordinated care, and enhancing nursing home care. The bill also strengthens the Medicare Trust Fund, extending its
solvency from 2017 to 2026. And you know what Kanjorski thinks? Too bad, he wants to protect Sallie Mae jobs.
And there's more, you can read the details in the report.
You should be forgiven if you are thinking that stacking a few hundred Sallie Mae jobs against these hundreds of thousands of people in his District seems a little, well, UNbalanced. Because, in truth, Kanjorski IS NOT balancing those hundreds of thousands against a few hundred Sallie Mae jobs -- he is balancing them against MORE than a few hundred thousand of Sallie Mae's DOLLAR$.
If you are in the 11th, it is time to call your Representative and let him know that balancing the lives of hundreds of thousands against Sallie Mae's millions is not why you sent him to Washington time and time again.
Call Rep. Kanjorski's office at (202) 225-6511. But don't stop there. Make it your mission today to get 5 friends or neighbors to call, too.
your wrong sorry not a couple hundread how bout u check your numbers on how many ppl actually work at sallie mae. and its not low paying job thank you
SLM Corp (a/k/s Sallie Mae) has claimed that the passage of student loan reform would cost about 250 jobs in Kanjorski's District. Most of those jobs are Customer Service Representatives earning about $20,000 a year.
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