Monday, July 31, 2006

Scranton Newspaper Continues Unethical Practices

Bobby Casey's hometown newspaper is also a major funding source for him and, from all appearances, his campaign's personal newsletter. The owners of the paper have purchased Casey's loyalty with hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations over the years. We've discussed this before in "A Matter of Integrity". The Scranton Casey campaign chief writer is Borys Krawczeniuk, and he's done it again.

Contrary to fairly-well settled journalistic ethics, members of the Scranton Times-Tribune's editorial board, and their families, have funneled tons of cash into Pennsylvania's perennial candidate's pockets over the years. This alone is a blush-inducing violation of the most basic of rules.

But they compound that by hiding from their readership their conflicts of interest in covering Casey campaigns -- itself yet another ethical lapse.

But, as I have pointed out before, they are in NE PA where, apparently, ethics are merely a punch for local jokes.

Your Slob has corresponded with Mr. Krawczeniuk on the matter and asked him whether it would be better if the Scranton Times-Tribune routinely carried a disclaimer on their coverage of their favorite donee.

Mr. Krawczeniuk's response?

I spelled his name wrong.

Like I said, NE PA.

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