Using the shootings at Virginia Tech a week ago as their excuse de jour, they are attacking the Americans with Disabilities Act and privacy legislation. On a par with the 'smoking gun/mushroom cloud' simile, now they want you to believe that the massacre at VT was occasioned not by the easy access to handguns by the mentally-ill student, but by the ADA and privacy laws which tied the University's hands.
Over the weekend, President Bush gave the secret signal that sufficient time had passed and it was okay to begin abusing the corpses at VT for the sake of wingnut politics.
In his weekly radio address, President Bush announced that he was forming a coalition of the determined to conduct "a review of the broader questions raised by this tragedy". And what are those broader issues? Well, civil liberties, of course -- equal rights for disabled Americans and privacy rights of all of us: "Our society continues to wrestle with the question of how to handle individuals whose mental health problems can make them a danger to themselves and to others."
And make no mistake about what he expects the outcome to be -- this tragedy in Virginia was the precisely the result of the ADA and privacy interests, for, as he said on Saturday, "what we do know is that this was a deeply troubled young man -- and there were many warning signs."
"Many warning signs" . . . . yet no one acted? That is precisely the silent response his address was meant to elicit. His next sentence directed the listener to draw the very conclusion that Chris Wallace then made express on Sunday. "[T]here were many warning signs. Our society continues to wrestle with the question of how to handle individuals whose mental health problems can make them a danger to themselves and to others."
Dutifully picking up on the cue, Chris Wallace breathlessly asked Virginia's lieutenant governor, Bill Bolling, "Lieutenant Governor Bolling, have our privacy and disability laws gone so far, perhaps too far, in protecting the individual at the expense of protecting the community?"
Yep, Chris got the memo.
And so did every wingnut on the planet (except, curiously, Tony Blakely, who this weekend denied that the ADA was a root cause of the shooting. But, I look for Blakely to come to jesus within the week. For Blakely, the culprit was opening the doors of what he called "the insane asylums" in the 70s.)
But, kids, it is not the ADA that pulled the triggers and it's not the privacy laws that caused this event. The ADA and the regulations effectuating them already permit colleges like VT to make the determinations and take the actions which they need to take to protect their young charges. Here is the pertinent regulatory language:
Sec.36.208 Direct threat
(a) This part does not require a public accommodation to permit an individual to participate in or benefit from the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages and accommodations of that public accommodation when that individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
(b) Direct threat means a significant risk to the health or safety of others that cannot be eliminated by a modification of policies, practices, or procedures, or by the provision of auxiliary aids or services.
(c) In determining whether an individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, a public accommodation must make an individualized assessment, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge or on the best available objective evidence, to ascertain: the nature, duration, and severity of the risk; the probability that the potential injury will actually occur; and whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices, or procedures will mitigate the risk.Clearly, a university's hands are not tied. Here, as has been reported, VT sent the disturbed student to a doctor, who -- erroneously -- concluded that he wasn't a danger, "only" depressed. That erroneous medical opinion wasn't caused by the ADA; nor was it the fault of privacy legislation. It was a perfunctory, inadequately-based, medical opinion. As much as it was the preemptive failure of that doctor, the tragedy was exacerbated by the carelessness and lack of compassion of the local police and VT itself, as Will Divide explained last week.
What the wingnuts want you to believe is more sinister. They want to gin up enough outrage to permit them to strip away the rights protected by HIPPA and the ADA, and permit university officials, and law enforcement, to act based, not on actual medical opinion, but on their own clues and inexpert hunches and, however well-intentioned, laymen beliefs as to what might happen, and as to who does and does not pose a danger.
And then they can lock them up in Blakely's rejuvenated insane asylums.
"If Mr. McMurphy doesn't want to take his medication orally, I'm sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way. But I don't think that he would like it."
(Image Credit: "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", Jack Nicholson 1975. United Artists, MPTV.net)
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