Thursday, June 29, 2006

Latest Survey USA Numbers -- Santorum Surges

Well, I guess that would be spin.

The latest SurveyUSA News Poll for all 100 Senators was recently released. The data, collected between June 9 and June 11, 2006, show fewer said they DISapproved of Senator Santorum's performance than did in May. But, not really.

In the latest results, 36% of the 600 Pennsylvania voters surveyed said that they approved of their junior Senator's job performance, while 55% said they thought Santorum was doing a lousy job. The May results were nearly identical -- 36% approve, 57% disapprove. The two percent difference went right into the "idunno" category, which increased from 7 to 9%.

Santorum continues to lose ground among Republicans, with only 48% saying approve of Their Rick. This continues Santorum's steadily declining popularity in his own party since December, when he had a 66% approval rating among the Commonwealth Republicans. The successive monthly results since then have been: 63% - 62% - 61% - 58% - 52% in May followed by this month's 48%.

A spot of good news for the Senator -- his numbers among conservatives did improve this month. I guess that "red meat" bait is working. Conservatives gave him a 64% approval rating, a nine-point jump over last month and the highest approval from them since January. The bad, news, of course, is that they make up only a small portion of the population. His 64% approval rating from them is nearly half of his overall support.

Moderates, which account for over 40% of the total population, give Santorum extremely weak ratings -- 29% approve, 64% disapprove. He fairs a bit better in the third of the State's voters who find themselves in the "T" -- receiving 40% approval, 50% disapproval from them.

Among his natural ideological base, anti-choice voters continue to downgrade the Senator's performance, with only 48% approving of the job he is doing -- that number was 59% in December and has been steadily trending down. Among regular church-goers, he picked up a little, scoring a 45% approval in June compared to 43% in May -- but down from 54% a year ago. Interesting, but meaningless, that his numbers also improved a bit among pro-choice voters. In May, they gave him 26% approval versus 68% disapproval. This month, he's at 28-64. Maybe it's those conservative soccer moms in Bucks county. (By the way, a majority of Pennsylvanians still call themselves pro-choice.)

However the numbers are sliced, Santorum continues to slide. One strong Santorum insider supporter recently confided his view that his man was "toast". Not exactly a big revelation.

1 comment:

Gort said...

I keep saying I would hate to lose "our Rick" as John Micek calls him. Can you think of a more entertaining politician? Of course there is always the danger he may choke on his own feet that are stuck in his mouth.