Cleland is a true hero, having suffered grevious wounds in Vietnam, he returned to serve in the Georgia Senate, then as head of the Veteran's Administration in the Carter Administration. In 1996, Cleland won Sam Nunn's Senate seat when Nunn retired. Many of us were none-too-pleased that Cleland supported the odious Bush tax cuts in 2001 and the following year when he voted to authorize the Iraq war. His reward for supporting the President on these two measures was to be smeared as soft on terrorism by Republican ads linking him with bin Laden and Saddam. He lost his seat in what some would say was a questionable vote count (the day before the election a newspaper poll put him at + 3 or 4 points and he lost by a near landslide).
An early supporter of the Iraq war, he was appointed to the 9-11 Commission but resigned over the Administration's stonewalling of Commission requests. He is now a fierce opponent of the war and bluntly says that the adminsitration "duped" us into the war.
The Carney campaign has announced a busy schedule of events at which Cleland will Join Carney over the Memorial Day weekend. Some are public, some are semi-public, some require RSVPs. Go to the Carney web site for more information.
Correction -- I changed the original headline which was unintentionally offensive. The original was only up for about ten minutes before I realized the awful pun involved and changed it. I regret being so thoughless.
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