But still.
Recent reports from the candidates confirm what we said three weeks ago -- Santorum has spent away his once massive cash lead over the Democratic challenger and has got bupkus to show for it. He remains reliably below 40% in approval ratings -- the Mendoza Line for incumbent congresspeople.
His president, who, I think I heard someone say once or twice, Santorum has voted with something like 98% of the time, is not faring well. Today, Zogby reports on a national live survey showing the President's approval ratings in the toilet (still), scoring only a 37% approval rating. Santorum, who has been joined to a part of Bush's anatomy for Bush's entire term, cannot benefit from that. It gets worse, though.
The same Zogby poll puts public confidence in Congress at what must be at or near the all-time low -- only 18% of voters surveyed think Santorum and his Republican cronies are doing a good job of leading this country.
On the bright side for the Senator, at least he doesn't have to move after losing his job -- he can stay right in his Virginia McMansion (at least as long as the financing holds up).
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