Demonstrating, once again, that he and his capos at the Scranton Times ShamrockTimes-Tribune/Wilkes-Barre Citizen's Voice, or whatever they are calling themselves these days, Borys Don't-Spell-My-Name-Wrong Krawczeniuk has another missive direct from the Casey Campaign, posing as his "independent observations" -- what the STSTTWBCV laughingly calls a news report.
Today's STSTTWBCV contains another pandering piece by the Casey Campaign's chief press agent rising to the defense of their boy against the Santorum "aiding and abetting" terrorists claim. The article covers all the angles of the story, well, at least all the angles of Casey's rebuttal to Santorum. (And, not for nuthin', but Casey wouldn't need to rely on a shill if he was actually out on the campaign trail.) It is what the article doesn't say which is galling. Once again, as usual for this rag, and contrary to the practices of ethical journalists everywhere, nowhere is there any mention of the hundreds of thousands of dollars which the owners of the Scranton Times have shoved into Casey's pockets over the years.
It is unusual, to say the least, for owners and editors of newspapers to be so heavily invested in a political candidate which their papers is supposed to objectively cover. A search of the FEC database reveals zero contributions to political candidates from any of the other NEPA newspaper owners, editors and reporting staff. Besides handing over wads of cash, and never providing a disclaimer to their readers, the owners of the Scranton Times have also engaged in dubious advertising of their newspaper which featured falsified headlines touting Casey, which some have said were illegal campaign donations.
All that is fine and, while giving tons of money to a politician is more than a little questionable from the standpoint of journalistic ethics, it is (presumably) legal. But for the Scranton Times to pretend to objectively cover the Senate Race without disclosing to their readers the stake that the ownership of the newspaper has in the outcome is journalistic fraud. They should be ashamed, except they are from NEPA, where we hear that such things are rather routine. So, we expect the owners of the paper to further disrespect their family heritage, give the finger to real journalists everywhere, and continue Trashing the First Amendment.
Today's STSTTWBCV contains another pandering piece by the Casey Campaign's chief press agent rising to the defense of their boy against the Santorum "aiding and abetting" terrorists claim. The article covers all the angles of the story, well, at least all the angles of Casey's rebuttal to Santorum. (And, not for nuthin', but Casey wouldn't need to rely on a shill if he was actually out on the campaign trail.) It is what the article doesn't say which is galling. Once again, as usual for this rag, and contrary to the practices of ethical journalists everywhere, nowhere is there any mention of the hundreds of thousands of dollars which the owners of the Scranton Times have shoved into Casey's pockets over the years.

All that is fine and, while giving tons of money to a politician is more than a little questionable from the standpoint of journalistic ethics, it is (presumably) legal. But for the Scranton Times to pretend to objectively cover the Senate Race without disclosing to their readers the stake that the ownership of the newspaper has in the outcome is journalistic fraud. They should be ashamed, except they are from NEPA, where we hear that such things are rather routine. So, we expect the owners of the paper to further disrespect their family heritage, give the finger to real journalists everywhere, and continue Trashing the First Amendment.
If that newspaper isn't disclosing their contributions and relationships with Casey every time they write about him it's a very serious violation of journalism ethics.
I strongly agree.
AND it was for that reason I got censored and effectively booted off of another (pretended) liberal blog, who also couldn't get enough of Casey's ass.
Before they violated settled ethics by refusing to disclose their purchases, the fact that they even permit their editorial board people to make the donations is itself a departure from settled norms.
But then again, up there . . . .
Thanks for your two-bits.
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