Saturday, September 16, 2006

Romanelli - I'll "Clean Casey's Clock" in Debates

Casey campaign chief Larry Smar says Casey won't take part in the debates because Romanelli "is a representative of the Santorum campaign." Romanelli, for his part, says Casey is “not policy-equipped and he’s a terrible debater . . . .Why on earth would he want to go up against me? Because I’ll clean his clock!”

Smar's comment is (take your pick) silly, sophomoric, a lie, cynical. Romanelli makes a couple of good points in his. I can't recall any debate in his career in which Casey came out on top -- and his clock was cleaned in the primary (worse in the two primary debates for which he showed than in the ones for which he stayed at a fundraiser in Chicago, or California, or wherever he was hiding from his opponents).

It is inappropriate for Casey to continue to duck debates. Romanelli is a candidate and deserves to participate. Casey should stop his tiresome whining about how Romanelli became a candidate and just get on with the race. Santorum's placement of Romanelli on the ballot was the cynical, inappropriate, and desperate action of a losing candidate. Casey's cynical, inappropriate, and desperate attempts to avoid debating Santorum and Romanelli pegs him as a loser, regardless of the outcome of the vote.

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